ArityWolf/AyloYeen (Gray Wolf đē/Striped Hyena đĻ Hybrid)
Occupation: Computer Scientist đĨī¸/Software Engineer đŊ, Furry Artist đ¨đē (Illustrations and Comic Art); Aspiring Indie Game Developer đŽ, Server/Web Developer đ, CLI Developer đ¤đģ
Areas of Expertise: Mathematics đ°, Anthropomorphic đē Art đ, Computer Science: Algorithms & Data Structures đž
Programming Languages: Ruby đ (primary; Ruby enthusiast), Rust đĻ, Linden Scripting Language đšđē, HTML/CSS/JavaScript đ¸ī¸
BashAsset Engine—A 2D Second Life-inspired platform serving as a foundation for the game titled Actors: Simulation Earth
Actors: Simulation Earth (New Webcomic Series that covers the game that is a WIP) — Powered by Ruby, utilizing LineDB/The Partitioned Array for database management, and Roda as the web framework
External Links
Webcomic: Actors: Simulation Earth
Web Journal/Blog - The Page That Contains This Pinned Render
LineDB/Partitioned Array Project (Github) - Array Of Hashes Database Data Structure Algorithm; battle tested and used in the game engine